sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

The Saint Patric’s day is an Ireland  celebration that celebrated every year the 17 of March to commemorate the death of  Saint Patric.

The story tells that  Patric was captured and then he was sold as a slave, but six years later he scaped and went to France, there he prepared  by himself to be a priest.

When he was 46 years he traveled to Ireland in order to evangelize Ireland
¿Why do the people celebrate it?
The people celebrate that ,thanking St.Patrick who was the evagelizator them.

First they celebrated it as a religious  then Ireland used this celebration to show it’s culture, it is because a lot of people celebrate the saint Patric Day.
After, Ireland made a group that organizes the Saint Patric’s Day  called Festival of St.Patrick.

¿Why do the people use a clover in Saint Patric’s Day?
A Christian tradition says that Patric used a clover to explain the mystery of the  holy Trinity, that’s the reason that now a days the people carries a clover in the celebration.

¿Why do the people use green color in Saint Patric,s Day ?
They wear green in honour of Ireland, also called “Emerald island”, they called Emerald island by the color of their lands.
They have green lands because Ireland has mild weather and  rains a lot.

¿How do the people celebrate it ?

Ireland is not the only place that celebrate the Saint Patric’s Day, countries like U.S.A celebrates it, the things that they do for celebrating it, are allegoric cars, parades and they decorate all with green colour, that celebration takes place during five days.




My favorite toy when I was a child was a  beautiful square red metal gameboy 


Why is each sense important ?

I think all senses are important because they help us to remember things.
Well,the sight is important because the 80%  of the information arrive us by the sight, the hearing is another important sense because we can understand the people with this, but if we don't hear the people our relationship with other people will go down.
The taste, I think that sense is important because we can remember places, cities  or countries just with the flavor of the food.
Smelling, This sense is important because if you don't have this sense you can't develop your sense of taste,So if you don't have it you can't taste very good the things.
Touching, I think that is the second most important sense of the five senses because we can feel the different types of texture.  

If you had to choose, what sense would you eliminate ? Why?
Ok I don't want to lose one of my senses, but I think that if I could eliminate a sense, it would be smelling, because I hate smelling things that they smell bad like public toilets or street dogs.

Credit Card

Youth Card 
The new credit card called Youth Card created by Carlos&Alan S.A of C.V helps you to have 2% of discount in all the shops that you want.
This Youth Card gives you gifts if you spent more than  a $100,000,000 dollars,and when you buy tickets of airplane, we give you the preference and bestow you places in business class.
When you pass more than one year with the Youth Card we  will give you the pro-mega-master Youth Card
Get it now just call to the 5544332211 

Reported Speech 

He told us that his name was Ernesto.
He said he was an English teacher.
The teacher told us he was 49 years old.
The teacher said he was born in1985.
The teacher said he lived in Tultepec.
The teacher said he had graduated from UNAM.
The teacher said he had a master degree.
The teacher said he had been working as a teacher in UNAM, Politecnico, UNITEC, TEC.
The teacher told us he liked spending time with his family.
The teacher told us he liked driving around the city
The teacher told us he is  planning  travel to Europe.
He said he didn't like getting up early.
He said he might do a master degree

Unit 1

*Make or Do.
We use MAKE when you realize things with your hands.
-I make my bed.
-I made a video.
We use DO when we realize mental things.
-I do my homework.
-I do maths. 
*Present Perfect+yet/already/just.
We use present perfect with JUST when we talk about things that pass a short time ago. 
-I have just done this.
We use present perfect with ALREADY when we talk about things that pass before you expected
-I have already finished.
We use present perfect with YET when we talk about things that doesn't pass until now
-I haven't kill yet.
*Present Perfect Continuous.
You use Present Perfect Continuous to talk about things that started in the past and continuous in the present. 
-I have been taking english classes.

Unit 2

*Order of Adjectives.
To qualify things, you need an order, that order is:
Determiner*Opinion*Size*Height/length*shape/weight*Color*Material-I love the delicious big long yellow package of Lay's.    
*Used to. 
We use USED TO to concern the things that we did frequently when we were kids or youngs. 
 -I used to play video games. 
*So/Too, Either/Neither.
We use SO, TOO, EITHER and NEITHER when we are agree with other in an opinion.
-Me too.
-So do I.
-I do too.
*I loved playing Pokemon.- So did I.
                           - I did too.
-Me neither.
-Neither do I.
-I don't either.
* I can't talk to you.-Me neither.
                         -Neither can I.
                          -I can't either.

Unit 3

*The or No article
We use THE before when we are talking about:
-specific things
-rivers, mountains,lakes, group of islands and plural names of countries. 
-musical instruments
-unique things.

-I love play the piano
-I will be climbing the Everest.

We don't use THE when we talk in plural, or in a general way 
-I love all dogs.
*Indirect Questions
We use INDIRECT QUESTIONS when we want to ask something in a formal way.
In this kind of question we can use the next phrases:
*Could you tell me....
*Can you tell me....
*Do you know if....
*Do you have any idea....
*We would like to know....
How old are you?-Could you tell me how old you are .
Can I buy an apple?-Do you know if I can buy an apple. 

Unit 4

*Compound Nouns.
The COMPOUND NOUNS are the junction of two nouns, generally the second part of the word indicates you the person or object which you are talking about and the second told us the type of object or person.

*Have/get something done
We use HAVE/GET SOMETHING DONE to explain that other person makes the work that we don't want to do.
-I will get my computer fixed.
-I can have my package developed.
*The previous sentences were formulated with the next formula:

Sometimes is necessary to mention the person who makes the action:
-She have her dad buy her a diamond.
-She got Mr.Macintosh to fix her computer 
*The previous sentences were formulated with the next formula:

Unit 5

*Reported Speech.
We use REPORTED SPEECH to repeat the things that other person says in the past.
The things that we have to do to report, are just change the time, one time before,but if the other person says that a short time ago, you have to put "" 
-Arturo:I love Mariana.-Arturo said "I love Mariana.
-I will be your next president.-He said (that)he would be our next president.
-I have been taking english lessons.-He said (that)he had been taking english lessons.

*Reporting Questions
We use REPORTING QUESTIONS to repeat the questions that other person says in the past. 
The things that we have to do to report, are just change the time, one time before.

Unit 6

We use CONDITIONALS to put a state in a sentence, there are different type of conditionals.
-Zero conditional.
You use this structure when you have a situation that is always trued.
*If I play video-games, I'm happy. 
-Firs conditional.
You use this structure when you have a situation that could be possible or real.
*If I hit my brother,my Mom will hit me.
-Second conditional.
You use this structure when you have an hypothetical situation.
*If I played soccer, I would lost all the games. 
-Third conditional.
You use this structure when you have an hypothetical situation of the past.
*If I had got a duck,I would eat them.
-Conditional wish.
We use WISH we we want a want, but that want is unreal.
*I wish I got a $1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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